Manual Discounts


⬇ Explore the functionalities of the manual discounts page by toggling between tabs below.⬇

This section describes the feature of Manual Discount. This feature allows certain items to be blacklisted from giving a discount at the POS System.

From the Features Panel, click on Manual Discount. Users will be directed to the Blacklist function by default.

1. Add Product Variants

Displays an Add Product Variant window for users to select which variants to be added to the blacklist.

a. Search Panel: Search with name, SKU, brand, product categories.

b. Shows how many products are existing/ added into the blacklist.

c. Selection boxes: ☑️ the selection boxes for applicable products.

d. Product Information.

e. Click on Save once done.


2. Linked Products Search

Enables users to search for products which are included in the blacklist.


3. Linked Product Variant List

Shows the list of products which were blacklisted from giving a manual discount. Click on the product name to access Product Configuration.


4. Delete

Removes product variants from Blacklist.


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